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All CCTVs in building switched off before actor Sushant singh rajput’s death

On Quora, many people are posting their theories of Sushant singh rajput’s death, though the mainstream media has mainly reported it as suicide. There are many who claim that he was killed, and it was made to look like suicide, so that killer would not be traced or punished
One of the reasons to believe that it was a planned murder, is because there is no cctv footage of the building all cctv’s were switched off. Sushant singh rajput was living in a building and paying a rent of Rs 4.5 lakh monthly according to media reports. In most places, even buildings where apartment rentals are Rs 25000 a month, have CCTV, security who is always monitoring, it is a standard security measure
Yet for a Rs 4.5 lakh monthly rental flat, there is no cctv footage, clearly indicating that it may be a well planned killing. Usually posh areas have far better security measures for people living in the apartments.

CCTV camera captures the latest robbery of rose plant cuttings of by panaji gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan

Rose plant cuttings robbed by panaji gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, dressed in yellow and black
Though she is considered a role model by the goan and indian government, CCTV footage will legally prove that the gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh is involved in robbery, criminal trespassing multiple times.
After outsourcing aloe vera leaf robbery to her sari wearing muslim servant in February 2020, the google, tata role model school dropout naina was again involved in criminal tresspassing, robbery of rose plant cuttings on May 30, 2020, at around 6.08 pm in panaji, goa
Earlier in the day, naina was spotted wearing a blue long kurti, matching the blue sleeveless tshirt worn by her lazy fraud son karan, Later at around 6 pm, she changed into a new beige/yellow and black kurti to commit another plant related robbery in panaji, goa
Carrying a scissor with orange handles, the robber cbi employee naina entered the property of a neighbour who is in Dubai, and cut two branches of the rose plant. She then cut one branch of her own jasmine plant and one branch of her hibiscus plant. It appears that she is giving the plants to her friends in panaji, who are spread false rumors that naina, a school dropout illegally married at 16, to get sex practice , is an experienced engineer, so that the school dropout gets a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real engineer

Soon afterwards, robber cbi employee naina kept the robbed plant cuttings on the rear seat of her light blue maruti car, and drove away to meet her friends. The cctv camera in naina’s house will capture the latest plant robbery of naina chandan who is faking engineering degree, experience.

Shameless fraud school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan again tries to make manipulated video to fake relation

One of the greatest frauds in panaji is the shameless fraud school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her fraudster family,with husband pran, sons nikhil, karan.
Now that their banking, real estate fraud is exposed, after the domain investor has wasted a lot of time, the shameless cunning gujju fraudster family is now trying to fake their relation with the domain investor who they have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED, CHEATED, EXPLOITED for the last 10 years.
Some clothes sellers in panaji have told the domain investor that naina chandan’s brother in law mohit is notorious for making photoshopped videos, and after her fraud wearing maroon saree, it appears that naina chandan, and her son were again trying to make another fake video.
So when the domain investor was leaving her home on March 14, 2020 at about 6.15 pm, naina and her son were waiting in the red maruti vitara brezza car,so that they could pretend to speak to the domain investor, and get away with the banking, real estate fraud again.

However, after naina’s fake talking fraud earlier dressed in a maroon saree, the domain investor was very cautious. So to avoid being cheated and exploited by the shameless cunning gujju fraudster family, she decided to take an alternate route or wait. It appears that cunning gujju frauds were overconfident that they could repeat their last months fraud of faking a relationship using manipulated videos.

So though there was no reason for waiting, the cunning gujju fraud mother-son duo waited for one minute or more, hoping to get the manipulated video which they could use. Only when naina and her son left the area, the domain investor decided that the path was clear and left the area. This incident clearly shows how cunning the gujju fraudster family is, in framing, cheating and exploiting the domain investor.

CCTV camera in school dropout cbi employee naina chandan’s house will show the latest robbery of leaves committed by naina’s servant

After her well documented theft of kadipatta leaves in 2019, school dropout cbi employee housewife sex queen naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh has started her robbery spree in panaji, goa robbing the aloevera leaves from the house of the malyali neighbour who is not in india
Since she does not wish to be caught robbing, criminally trespassing naina
On 8 february 2020 at around 12.40 in the afternoon, the muslim sari clad servant of naina chandan, dressed in a black and green sari was spotted entering the house of the malayali neighbour with a scissor. The servant then went to the rear part of the house and after 4-5 minutes, the servant emerged carrying three aloe vera leaves.
The footage of the robbery can also be confirmed on the cctv in naina chandan house, the servant is leaving with a scissor and coming back with ROBBED aloe vera leaves after 5-6 minutes
The gujju officials are always questioning the honesty of the domain investor to justify their FINANCIAL FRAUD on her, yet though the domain investor has repeatedly documented the ROBBERY, FRAUD of the the gujju role model school dropout naina chandan, her sons, karan, nikhil, they continue to get monthly raw/cbi salaries for faking domain ownership including this one, though the gujju fraudsters do not pay for or control this domain
A video of the servant with robbed aloe vera leaves, criminally trespassing, can be also provided to those who shout about criminal defamation
This indicates the double standards of the indian and goan government , they are ignoring all legally valid evidence of fraud and robbery against the gujju sex queen naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, while criminally defaming the real domain investor for ten years though they have no evidence against the domain investor, a single woman

The domain investor can supply aloe vera leaves, please send email to

CCTV footage of panaji gujju fraudster karan leaving for college in red maruti vitara brezza exposes goan security agency, government WRITING, BANKING FRAUD

The domain investor has been CRIMINALLY DEFAMED in panaji, goa, as a idle person, with no income, with the LIAR goan security agency, government openly involved in a WRITING, BANKING FRAUD, falsely claiming that various call girls, school dropout and their sons, cheaters, robber raw/cbi employees who do no computer work,and do not hire anyone own her paypal, bank account to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary

The shameless gujju FRAUD LIAR officials led by nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh, are falsely claiming that the lazy greedy liar sons nikhil, karan, of their gujju sex queen cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, who do no computer work, own the iwriter account 137870, which actually belongs to a single woman engineer who the gujju officials, sex queen, her sons, HATE
The security agency employees in panaji, goa are closely monitoring the domain investor, engineer falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty, yet they are openly involved in a massive WRITING, COMPUTER WORK fraud.
the black money rich gujju fraudster family of naina, karan, nikhil have a cctv installed in the front side of the house, and on all weekdays, which are not college holidays, the CCTV footage will show that panaji gujju fraudster karan leaving for his commerce college in panaji in his red maruti vitara brezza l2233 at around 7.45 am and he does not come back till 11.30 am or later.
In college, karan is not doing any computer work, yet the goa government continues with its great WRITING, BANKING FRAUD of falsely claiming that the gujju panaji fraudster owns the paypal, bank, iwriter account of a single woman engineer he hates, to get him a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer.

Similarly the shameless fraud liar goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, her sisters, cousin teji and aunt are also not having any laptop at home to do the writing work, yet like the gujju officials, the goan officials are also SHAMLESS LIARS,with no self respect, duping people, companies and countries with their complete lies.
The goan gsb fraud cbi employee robber housewife riddhi nayak caro, is also only looking after her home, family, she does no computer work, does not hire anyone, only relies on her powerful LIAR husband caro, father nayak to make fake claims while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real writer, a single woman engineer,
R&AW employee call girl siddhi mandrekar does not reside in panaji, goa

This is posted as a fraud alert to expose the writing, banking fraud, in panaji, goa since 2010

Karan, nikhil, sons of school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, using CCTV cameras to monitor and harass women using road in front of their house

When school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, sent their associate edith for harassing the domain investor again, their associate edith mentioned that the domain investor was in her house for one hour or less daily for the last few months
This indicating that she was being monitored, probably by the cctv cameras which are installed in the house of cbi employee naina chandan, which are facing the road which are closely monitored by their sons nikhil, karan,
Officially the family claims that the cctv cameras are installed for security, in reality, they are using it to monitor the activities of women on the road

To harass, defame domain investor, using manipulated cctv footage perverted maroon shirted man with grey backpack x360 molested her, brushing her back

Maroon shirted tall pervert with grey backpack x360 molesting women in panaji, goa , brushing their back when they are making payment
This is a fraud alert to warn women in panaji that a maroon shirted pervert with a grey backpack x360 written on it in large letters in running amok in panaji, goa, molesting women, brushing against them intentionally so that his associates can photoshop the cctv footage to ruin the reputation of the woman

The latest molestation incident of the man took place at a retail store/supermarket in panaji, with four counters for shoppers
The x360 backpack panaji pervert was asked by his associate to intentionally molest the domain investor at the supermarket in panaji, market
the x360 backpack pervert only purchased some kerala banana chips chips yet clearly his main intention was molesting the domain investor by brushing against her back while was at the payment counter . The most convenient way to reach the kerala banana chips section was a different route, yet since the man only wanted to sexually harass the domain investor, he intentionally took the route
So at around 5 pm on 8 november 2019, the tall maroon shirted pervert, took advantage of the fact that the domain investor was busy making payment , to brush against her back, molesting her
the backpack had different shades of grey and x360 written on it

Then he sent another person to brush against the back of the domain investor,
this time the domain investor noticed the person coming to molest her again, and told that man to take the proper route to the store, the second molester was upset that he could not molest, and said what do you think you are

The domain investor does not like going shopping mainly because of the regular incidents of molestation in panaji which she faces, yet google, tata hysterically make fake allegations of black money if the money is not spent daily
Anyone who has more details of this man, please send details to

Indian paypal account holders, domain investors working at home worst affected by the manipulated cctv footage fraud

Compared to other indian citizens, Indian paypal account holders, domain investors, working at home are worst affected by the manipulated cctv footage fraud in India since there are a large number of people who can get raw/jobs with monthly salary without doing any computer work, without investing any money online

A person who hates the domain investor only has to produce sufficient negative or defamatory footage of the domain investor,paypal account holder, and the local intelligence and security agencies will automatically believe the fake claims of the person who is CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, the bank details and other legally valid documents will not be checked

The lazy greedy goan and gujju fraud raw/cbi employees like call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh , her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, asmita patel are some of biggest beneficiaries of the manipulated cctv footage fraud, since the indian and state government especially goan government blindly believes the fake claims of those circulating the manipulated footage

Cunning fraud officials and their associates creating manipulated CCTV footage only for exploiting hardworking skilled citizens who they hate

One of the latest trends in the indian society is how powerful fraud officials especially in goa, and their associates are generating a huge amount of manipulated defamatory cctv footage of harmless hardworking skilled citizens, who they hate so that they can EXPLOIT the hardworking person for the rest of his or her life, especially in the indian internet sector

Domain investors are targetted for creating manipulated CCTV footage in goa, and then security officials abuse their powers to make fake claims of domain ownership to get their relatives and bribe givers monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any work, without investing money at the expense of the real domain investor, who spends a lot of time working to pay domain renewal expenses

This racket of creating negative videos using cctv footage to exploit hardworking domain investors is one of the greatest frauds in internet history,

Manipulated CCTV footage has become a big racket in India

One of the biggest frauds in India, is how manipulated CCTV footage has become a big racket in India and DEFAMING hardworking honest citizens, has become the easiest way to get a lucrative raw/cbi job with monthly salary without doing any computer work, without investing any money online at all

The manipulated and photoshopped CCTV footage is used to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the hardworking citizen, and then the indian, goan government falsely claims that those who circulating the DEFAMATORY videos, photos,own the bank account, house of the person who they have defamed, to pay the frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any kind of computer work at all

For example, ntro, raw, cbi employees especially the panaji perverted gujju brothers karan, nikhil hate the domain investor, and are making PHOTOSHOPPED videos of the domain investor for the last seven years to get monthly salaries without doing any computer work, and without investing any money

It is an indication of the incompetence of the indian government that it refuses to check bank details, instead hires employees only on the basis of manipulated photoshopped videos derived from CCTV footage