Solar CCTV camera

listing is free of cost for information, please contact on for a similar free listing, from the mailer received.

Kindly note that ntro/raw/cbi employees especially greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, her fraud sisters piyu, purvi, robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, nayanshree hathwar, indore robber deepika, mba hr ruchika kinge, siddhi mandrekar are not associated with the website in any way, since they do not pay any expenses, do not do any computer work, yet make fake claims and get government salaries in a clear case of labor law violation, financial fraud since 2010.
Kindly note that though the domain investor is an indian citizen, almost no indian business is allowed to list with her, since allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is openly involved in a massive financial, online fraud, falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees like haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge who do not spend any money on domains, own the domain of a private citizen.
Specifically the indian, goan government are aggressively promoting slim dog owning goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, supplied by google, tata to ntro, raw, cbi, government employees for sex, falsely claiming that she owns this website though she does not spend any money, since google, tata do not want to pay sunaina for sex services from their million dollar profits, they want the indian tax payer to pay sunaina for her sex services

Product Name: Solar Camera

Technical features:

1: 2 million high-definition image sensor, with a resolution of 1920 * 1080p

2: Support two-way voice intercom

3: Support cloud storage function, free one month cloud storage

4: Support solar charging, PIR human body induction video recording, built-in large capacity battery.

5: Aluminum alloy shell, supporting IP66 waterproof and dustproof

6. Suitable for outdoor places such as courtyard, construction site, farm, countryside, orchard, reservoir, etc

From mailer sent by GaryYu : Whatsapp/Wechat/Skpye +86 15220147878

Surveillance will legally prove that sindhi scammer cbi employee naina does no computer work, yet goan, indian government continues with labor law violations making fake claims

FRAUD LIAR indian internet sector led by google, tata were aware that panaji’s top sindhi scammer housewife SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh has no english language, computer, online, finance, engineering skills at all, she was only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband , owning a xerox business and also running panaji’s biggest moneylending business
Since sindhi scammer naina’s family charges very high interest rates from businesses in goa, they have plenty of money, so their house is very well maintained, she leads a very good lifestyle, with multiple cars.

The FRAUD LIAR indian internet sector led by google, tata were aware that the panaji sindhi scammer family including naina’s fraud sons karan, nikhil, was not doing any computer work for clients outside india and had no online income at all, no online investment, like other google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking computer work for the last ten years.

Yet showing that top officials and companies in the indian internet sector are section 420 frauds, liars, they are making fake claims about the education, skills, work done panaji sindhi scammer housewife naina to get her a monthly cbi salary at the expense of a single woman engineer, in a clear case of FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations worse than the wistron iphone factory
When sindhi scammer naina is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, not doing any computer work at all, why is the indian internet sector, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi making up fake stories of computer work in a labor law violation worse than wistron iphone factory

Surveillance, cctv footage will also prove that the the indian, goan governments favorite fraud sindhi schooldropout naina is only cooking cleaning, she does no computer work at all, yet the making up fake stories of computer work in a labor law violation worse than wistron iphone factory while criminally defaming, cheating and exploiting the single woman engineer actually doing the work

GREEDY Goa institute of management student specializes in sexual harassment,making defamatory videos, BANKING FRAUD, not marketing

Goa institute of management student does not specialize in marketing, he only specializes in sexual harassment of innocent single women, making defamatory videos, BANKING FRAUD to destroy their reputation completely

There is no end to frauds of the panaji’s leading sindhi scammer family of kolhapur born sindhi school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karun, nik(name changed) the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer who has no one to defend herself against the shameless panaji sindhi scammer family and other frauds government employees
Now after getting a raw job for FAKING domain ownership at the expense of the single woman engineer, now the shameless google, tata sponsoredf panaji sindhi scammer nik chandan is now also falsely claiming that he is writing marketing articles, owns the paypal, bank account of the single woman to continue getting a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman
Though he has no online income, panaji’s leading sindhi scammer, is promoting himself as online expert, owning the paypal, bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman who his school dropout mother has impersonated to get a monthly government salary for more than 8 years
Bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that the greedy shameless panaji sindhi scammer has no online income, since he does not write any marketing articles, yet supported by google, tata, the shameless sindhi scammer nik chandan continues to make fake claims about iwriter account 137870 to get a monthly raw salary at the expense of the hardworking single woman engineer
Instead the sindhi scammer nik chandan should specify his real resume, that he and his fraud family specializes in sexual harassment, criminal defamation of hardworking single woman engineer, making and circulating extremely defamatory videos to destroy their life completely and then SHAMELESSLY, FALSELY CLAIMS to own their paypal, bank account and get a monthly government salary

Since sindhi scammer nik has joined goa institute of management, it is time that people, staff and other students are aware of the fraud which his fraud family committed on the hardworking single woman engineer, making and circulating defamatory videos to destroy her reputation completely so that the sindhi scammer family could fake ownership of her bank account, domains, and get monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman
Goa institute of management is requested to verify the family background of its student, the fraud his family committed on the goa 1989 jee topper, which is damaging the reputation of goa, and ask him to correct his resume, to include sexual harassment of single women

Court CCTVs will legally prove that liar goan bhandari officials,pritesh chodankar,naik,goa government are involved in labor law violations worse than Wistron Iphone factory

SHAMELESS FRAUD LIAR goa bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar are openly involved in labor law violations making fake claims about slim goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan

Before the intelligence, security agencies, indian government comments on the website content, they should first answer the question why the indian, goan government is blindly believing in the fake claims of who SHAMELESS FRAUD LIAR goa bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar who are openly involved in labor law violations worse than the Wistron Iphone factory making fake claims about slim goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan, who does not even have a computer at home, yet is getting a monthly government salary for falsely claiming to own this website, doing the computer work at home with the help of her google, tata PIMPS, brahmin sugar daddies ntro employees j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet

The LIAR greedy goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar, naik are robbing all the data of a hardworking non-goan bhandari single woman engineer, who has no one to help or defend her, and then falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, who does no computer work is doing the work,. to get the greedy goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the hardworking single woman
The slim hot pant wearing dog owning goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan is least interested in doing any kind of computer work, she has not even invested in a computer despite, R&AW, indian, goa government giving her a monthly R&AW salary for faking computer work since 2012
It can legally proved that goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan is focussing on her legal career, she is spending her time during the day in court, she does no computer work at all like her lazy scammer sisters piyu, purvi, cousin teji, yet the SHAMELESS LIAR goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar, naik, goa government continue to make fake claims in a major labor law violation worse than the Wistron Iphone factory
Bank details, income tax returns will expose the complete lies of the SHAMELESS LIAR goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar, naik since these lazy greedy goan bhandari young women have no online income, since they lack computer skills
CCTVs installed in the courts in goa, will also confirm that the goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is spending her time in court, she is not doing any computer work at all, yet the goa, indian government continues with its labor law violations on the hardworking non-goan bhandari single woman engineer who has no one to help her at all and her correspondence is robbed by the greedy goan bhandari frauds to isolate her

454 surveillance cameras used for identifying those involved in Wistron Iphone factory violence

According to media reports, 454 surveillance cameras are being used for identifying those involved in Wistron Iphone factory violence. Allegedly 7000 people were totally involved, and the police have identified 5000 people. They have also arrested 158 people. Most of the people arrested are very young, in their twenties, and are from poor communities, mainly dalit. This is the reason why the case got media coverage, a large number of people are involved.

Indian government agencies, NTRO, raw, cbi are openly involved in labor law violations far worse than Wistron Iphone factory since 2010

Though the indian government is asking companies to invest in india, manufacture in India, it is ruthless in its labor law violations on harmless hardworking citizens from poorer communities, especially older single women which leads to violence and resentment. The indian government is only HIRING extremely greedy shameless liars, frauds like panaji robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, indore robber deepika in its all powerful intelligence agencies like raw/cbi and these greedy fraud employees are openly involved in labor law violations which are far worse than the Wistron Iphone factory
The ransacking of the Wistron Iphone factory near bengaluru by workers, allegedly for labor law violations, highlighted the FINANCIAL, LABOR LAW violations in the indian internet sector, which are far worse. The workers were angry and upset because they were not paid fairly for the work they did, yet in the indian tech, internet sector, led by google, tata, indian internet companies are far more ruthless in LABOR LAW violation making fake claims about computer work for the last ten years and then using CRIMINAL DEFAMATION to silence the person who is actually doing the work
For example since 2010, the indian government agencies , NTRO, raw, cbi are falsely claiming that this and other websites in this network belong to their lazy greedy fraud employees panaji robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, ruchika kinge, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, nayanshree hathwar, sindhi scammer naina chandan who do not spend any money on domains yet get monthly salaries for FALSELY CLAIMING to own this and other domains.
the indian government agencies , NTRO, raw, cbi are aware that domains are not free, each domain renewal is costing Rs 1000 at least annually for most domains, and their greedy fraud employees like panaji robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, ruchika kinge, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, nayanshree hathwar, sindhi scammer naina chandan, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, are not paying any money for the domain renewals.
These government agencies are also aware that the real domain investor a private citizen, is working for 10-16 hours daily, without taking any holiday for the last ten years, yet CHEATING, ROBBING hardworking citizens, has become a part of indian government culture, so raw/cbi are falsely claiming that the bank account, domains of a private citizen, belong to their lazy greedy fraud employees who do no computer work at all

So companies planning to invest in India, should be aware that CHEATING, ROBBING hardworking citizens has become a part of indian government culture, and these greedy government employees encourage everyone else to exploit everyone they can, like the wistron factory workers.the domain investor owning this website is also CHEATED, EXPLOITED, a victim of labor law violations since the indian government falsely claims that the website belongs to goan call girls sunaina, siddhi supplied by google, tata to indian government employees for sex, and other fraud raw/cbi employees
Since google, tata do not want to pay the call girls for sex services from their million dollar profits, they are falsely claiming that these call girls are online experts, domain investors, to get them monthly raw salaries at the expense of the real domain investor

Misuse of cameras installed in public places

The domain investor was aware that the controversial answer was likely to get rejected, yet it was done only for checking

Many people feel that the use of surveillance cameras in public places, such as parking lots, is a good idea that can help ensure our safety. Others worry that too many cameras violate our right to privacy and give law enforcement officials too much power. In your opinion, should we install more surveillance cameras in public places? Why or why not? Support your position with specific reasons and examples.

In the last few decades the cost of surveillance cameras in public places has increased significant since the cost of the cameras and associated technologies has decreased to a large extent. There are some advantages of installing the cameras in public places like having records which will help in identifying any trouble maker easily. Also criminals are less likely to vandalize public property, commit crimes if they are aware that all their activities are being recorded. While security agencies are using these factors to increase the usage of these cameras, there are some disadvantages which are rarely discussed.

One of the biggest disadvantage of these cameras are how citizens are now denied the right to privacy from the moment they leave home. This is a major problem for women who face the problem of sexual harassment. In some cases, the security agencies are corrupt and are using the surveillance for sexually harassing women, especially women who have powerful enemies. The surveillance cameras are used to monitor the activities of the women being sexually harassed, so that the stalkers can molest her. In some cases, the video footage from the cameras is being misused for character assasination of vulnerable women. The video footage is being photoshopped to defame the woman,ruining her reputation and these defamatory videos are being widely circulated. For many positions, the reputation of the person is considered, and if defamatory photoshopped or manipulated videos are being circulated by a competitor, the woman may be denied the job she otherwise deserved.

The corrupt security agencies may also misuse the surveillance to provide information about about a particular individual or business to criminals. This information is then used to commit crimes. For example if the robbers wish to target a jewellery shop for crime, the camera can be used to find when the shop opens, who visits the shop, whether there is any security. Like all other electronics, the video footage can also be robbed by hackers and misused. So though the camera can be used to detect and prevent crime to some extent, it is also possible to misuse the camera footage for destroying the life of innocent citizens and committing crime

Black polo shirt wearing fraud sent for molesting domain investor while shopping by greedy shameless panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan

To cover their banking, computer work fraud since 2012, the greedy panaji sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil (sons of sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like sneha wagh) and other raw/cbi employees are ruthless in harassing the domain investor, making and circulating photoshopped videos, photos of her in public places.
Though the fraud goa security agencies claim that memory reading is for security, in reality, it is used extensively for molesting her, making defamatory videos , photos which they circulate so that the google, tata sponsored panaji sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil, who refuse to pay any money for domains,can get a monthly government salary for FAKING DOMAIN OWNERSHIP at the expense of the domain investor, a middle aged single woman
When the domain investor went to local shop in st inez,panaji with CCTV camera, the shameless sindhi scammer brothers following the footsteps of their fraud xerox shop owning father, sent a black polo shirt wearing fraud to intentionally stand near the domain investor, so that the perverted greedy sindhi brothers karan, nikhil could get cctv footage which they will circulate to cover up their COMPUTER WORK, BANKING FRAUD . The black polo shirt wearing fraud purchased big bottles of soft drinks, and stood very close to the domain investor intentionally, so that defamatory footage could be created
Panaji’s top sindhi scammer family of karan, nikhil, their father and mother have plenty of money to feed cake and expensive food to the crows, yet they refuse to purchase the domains from the middle legal woman legally. Instead they are sexually harassing the single woman, circulating cctv footage of her in public places after sending a person to stand close to her, to molest her
It would be interesting to find out how much money the panaji sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil are paying for molesting, or getting defamatory footage, which they pay from the r&aw/cbi salary they get for FAKING domain ownership (including this one), bank account. It is an indication of the rot in goan society, government, indian tech and internet sector, that no one is questioning the panaji sindhi scammer brothers on their domain, bank account fraud, asking them why they do not purchase the domains legally.

Inspired by powerful NTRO/raw employees circulating videos, photos of harmless single woman, MP man live streaming porn featuring wives to make money

Times of India refuses to carry the news of the cunning mhow monster ntro employee puneet who is behaving worse than the MP man making money circulating porn videos of his wives

google, tata’s support for EXPLOITATION, MEMORY ROBBERY of goa 1989 jee topper by mhow monster ntro employee puneet and others who HATE her, inspires another MP man to make profits showing porn videos of his wives

Inspired by brahmin mhow monster NTRO employee puneet j’s MEMORY ROBBERY of the goa 1989 jee topper for ten years, another MP man makes huge profit, showing porn videos of his wives
Since the internet sector and the indian, state government refuse to acknowledge that the MEMORY ROBBERY of the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010 without a legally valid reason by the brahmin mhow monster NTRO employee puneet j’s , j srinivasan, and the fraud btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college to make a profit, get a career boost, is a crime, and compensate her for the losses, a large number of men are being inspired to exploit women in a similar manner
Though the fraud mhow monster puneet did not even have the honesty and humanity to contact the goa 1989 jee topper, being a ruthless LIAR, CHEATER, he faked his relationship with the engineer to ROB everything from her, and make a huge profit
with google, tata supporting the mhow monster puneet, in CHEATING, EXPLOITING women, other people in madhya pradesh are being inspired to EXPLOIT women in a similar manner. Times of India carried a report of how another man from madhya pradesh (MP) inspired by the ntro employee puneet was making a huge profit showing porn videos of his wife, to people worldwide.
He was making approximately Rs 3 lakh monthly showing porn videos of his wives to people, just the brahmin mhow monster ntro employee made a huge profit, got great career boost by ROBBING the memory, circulating videos, photos of his btech 1993 ee classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper he HATED. At least the MP man had the decency to show his face to his wives, the brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet does not have the honesty, humanity to face the goa 1989 jee topper, yet has ROBBED everything from her, circulated her videos to make a huge profit.

The domain investor is a private citizen, she has not violated any law, there is no legally valid reason why the indian and state government should rob her memory, or circulate videos, photos. Yet the well paid ntro/raw employees are behaving far worse than the arrested mp man since 2010, faking their relationship with the single woman who they have not interacted with and HATE to justify circulating videos, photos and robbing the memory

Times of India carried the news of the MP man in great details however, it refuses to carry the news of the cunning mhow monster ntro employee puneet who is behaving worse than the MP man making money circulating porn videos of his wives since mhow monster puneet is indian government employee, and is supported by google, tata, indian internet companies in this sexual exploitation, harassment of the goa 1989 jee topper

More photoshopped videos, photos of domain investor being circulated by goan bhandari frauds, panaji sindhi scammer family to cover up their banking, online fraud

panaji’s top sindhi scammer family again circulating morphed , photoshopped photos of the domain investor
The goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer family of school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil are getting a monthly government salary for only faking domain ownership, paypal, bank account in the google, tata masterminded online fraud since 2010
To cover up their financial fraud, they are circulating morphed and photoshopped photos of the domain investor. again when the domain investor went to the bank, many men came very close to her, pretending it was accidental, when it was intentional.
The aim of doing so was making and circulating photoshopped photos of the domain investor, they are hearing the conversation of the domain investor, and then having their associates pass close to her
People should not waste their time, watching the videos, photos, they are just like cartoons, pictures, anything can be drawn. Anyone providing information on the photoshopped videos, photos will be rewarded , please contact on, so that a complaint can be filed with cybercrime.

To cover up his cooking, cleaning wife cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro’s computer work fraud, crooked caro, manipulating cctv footage to defame single woman

The domain investor cannot go shopping in panaji, goa in any shop with a cctv camera without being molested or harassed, because top security agency employees like crooked caro, manipulating cctv footage to defame hardworking single woman , To cover up his cooking, cleaning wife cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro’s computer work fraud
Though she is only cooking and cleaning for her husband crooked caro, panaji cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a hardworking single woman who has no one to help and defend her, to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman.
Then to cover up her computer work, domain ownership fraud crooked caro, cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, riddhi’s fraud father nayak, with the help of google, tata are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the hardworking single woman they are cheating, using manipulated cctv footage, spreading false rumors without any kind of proof, robbing her correspondence for the last ten years.