CCTV footage of goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan kissing her boyfriend on his neck while riding a scooter is available

One of the greatest frauds of google, tata PIMPS who avoid paying call girls for their sex services from the million dollar profits is how the indian government is falsely claiming that the indian government SEX service providers like goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan , who are busy enjoying with their boyfriends are doing computer work, writing to give the call girls great powers, monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer

NTRo, raw, cbi, google, tata are duping people, companies and countries with their fake claims about computer work, when actuall raw employee sunaina is kissing and hugging her boyfriend, openly in public, to entertain the residents of panaji.CCTV footage of goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan kissing her boyfriend on his neck while riding a scooter is available indicating her seduction skills.

When will the indian and goan government, ntro, raw, cbi be honest that slim goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan is only a sex expert, not a writing or domain expert.

Narcissitic sociopath mhow cheater ntro employee puneet has perfected using manipulated CCTV footage to commit fraud on harmless hardworking citizens

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One of the biggest frauds in the indian internet sector is how the Narcissitic sociopath mhow cheater ntro employee puneet has perfected using manipulated CCTV footage to commit fraud on harmless hardworking citizens, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING them as uneducated and falsely claiming that his lazy greedy liar fraud sugar babies who are not doing any computer work, own the paypal, bank account to get them raw/cbi salaries without investing any money, spending time doing work

After he continued with his racket using cctv footage without being questioned, all other fraud ntro employees like vijay, parmar, j srinivasan, parekh, patel, nikhil sha , raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, asmita patel, ruchika, deepika, have followed his footsteps in defaming domain investors and making fake claims about domains to get a monthly raw/cbi salary without investing any money online.

Just because people hate the domain investor and want to exploit her to the maximum extent possible, they are generating defamatory cctv footage, it does not affect the ownership of a domain, which depends on who is paying the domain expenses to the registrar and registry

Only lazy liars, banking fraudsters are producing and circulating manipulated cctv footage

The the indian and state government especially goan government blindly believe the manipulated cctv footage to deny hardworking citizens their fundamental rights, yet refuse to check the motivation of those who are producing and circulating the footage of a private citizen.

If the government agencies took the effort to analyze the footage and who produced it, it will be found that it is the BANKING FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees or their associates.
the lazy greedy goan and gujju fraud raw/cbi employees like call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh , her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, asmita patel and others do not want to do any computer work themselves or hire staff, they shamelessly and falsely want to claim ownership of the bank account of the domain investor , a private citizen

So they are focussing on producing and circulating manipulated cctv footage to destroy the credibility of the domain investor and then falsely claiming to own her bank account to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at her expense without doing any kind of work.

CCTV camera will have footage of the latest robbery masterminded by the gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan

Since her last flower robbery was widely reported online on the websites which she FALSELY CLAIMS TO OWN indian and goan government’s favorite gujju sex service provider, the google, tata sponsored gujju sex queen school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, mother of two sons, now sends her sari clad muslim servant for stealing moringa leaves from her neighbours house

On 26 June 2019, at around 12.51 in the afternoon, the gujju panaji sex queen cbi employe naina chandan sent her sari clad muslim servant into the compound of the neighbour in panaji, goa who is currently on holiday. The servant was wearing a brown and white sari, dark brown blouse, ties her hair in a plait and uses a hair clip to put the plait in place and is of about the same height as the gujju sex queen naina chandan.

Then at around 1 pm the school dropout cbi employee naina chandan’s servant emerged from the house where she had trespassed with two bunches of moringa leaves and she gave one bunch to the school dropout cbi employee naina chandan and took one bunch for her self . This clearly shows the robbery, cheating mindset of the school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, yet the indian and goan government, google, tata, raw, cbi, indian intelligence and security agency employees consider the robber school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, their role model to pay the school dropout and her lazy fraud sons a monthly cbi salary for FAKING DOMAIN OWNERSHIP

The cctv camera deployed at the house of the indian government role model school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, will show the sari clad servant leaving the house empty handed at 12.51 in the afternoon, and coming back with her hands full of moringa leaves at around 1 pm . The frontyard of the house of naina chandan, has white tiles, a tulsi plant in the center, and a well painted gate.

The domain investor has extremely limited resources else she would be able to provide more proof of the robbery and crimes of panaji gujju sex queen school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan, yet it is an indication of the worsening condition of honest hardworking educated women in India, especially goa that the indian and goan government still consider the panaji gujju school dropout naina chandan a role model, to waste taxpayer money paying her and her lazy greedy sons a monthly cbi salary for faking domain ownership including this one, where the news of her ROBBERY, SEX SERVICES are posted

panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan’s balding husband is always stalking the domain investor

Indian has a population of 1300 million yet it imports Rafale aircraft from a far smaller country like France with a population of 67 million mainly because of the indian government policy of identity theft of experienced women engineers with a good JEE and falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored school dropouts like kolhapur born panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at the age of 16 has the resume, savings, experience and skills of the engineer to pay the school dropout a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

India is the only country which falsely claims google, tata sponsored school dropouts like kolhapur born panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at the age of 16, who no engineering college would admit has a btech 1993 ee degree from a top college, only because naina’s balding bespectacled husband, lovers like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha, sugar daddies like ntro employee mhow monster puneet are making and circulating defamatory PHOTOSHOPPED VIDEOS and photos of the engineer when she is in public places

Lazy greedy shameless like kolhapur born panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, do not want to study hard, answer JEE and get their own engineering degree, they get MARRIED ILLEGALLY at the age of 16 to get sex practice and become sex experts. then these women like naina are trapping shameless fraud top gujju officials like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha with their sex services, so that they become completely addicted to their sex services and are willing to do anything to please naina

So whenever the engineer is in panaji, she always sees panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan’s balding bespectacled husband on the lane opposite the lane where the car is parked, looking at the car with a big smile on his face. The gujju sex addict gang of panaji is then probably monitoring the domain investor, engineer in panaji, having their associates molest her,and make photoshopped videos, photos, so that the indian TAXPayer pays kolhapur born panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, a monthly salary for naina’s SEX with NTRO employees

On 31 May, 2019, kolhapur born panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh husband was again stalking so that photoshopped videos could be made , google,tata would again ensure that naina, her sons karan, nikhil, would get a monthly salary only because their school dropout mother had regular sex with the most powerful gujju government officials in India

Officially cbi, ntro, raw, indian government lack the honesty to admit that naina chandan and her sons are paid only for naina’s sex services, Instead they continue with their FINANCIAL fraud of falsely claiming that the school dropout and her lazy fraud sons, who do not spend any money on domains own this and other domains, to
pay the sex service provider a monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke

It is time that the indian government officially admits that raw/cbi employees are only SUGAR BABIES and their sons, not falsely claim that they are domain investors, owning domains of a private citizen

NTRO employees parekh, parmar, nikhil sha again molest single woman engineer in panaji, to get their sex service provider naina chandan a cbi salary

India is the only country in the world where the government treats educated women very badly and since 2010, is open involved in justifying the identity theft of harmless experienced women engineers from top colleges only on the basis of photoshopped videos, photos and completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof by powerful fraud ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees who hate these educated women

If any cunning shameless fraud government employee like caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, nayak, hathwar, parmar, parekh, nikhil sha want to get their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like gujju sex queen naina chandan and relatives raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any work, without investing any money they have their associates molest hardworking single women engineers when they are in public places,
then these fraud ntro employees are wasting taxpayer money to make photoshopped videos to defame the hardworking engineer and get their lazy greedy associates a monthly raw/cbi salary without any work at all, without investing any money

On april 10, 2019, the gujju sex addict ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha and their associates again molested the hardworking single woman engineer whose identity they have stolen to get the gujju panaji sex queen school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh,her lazy greedy fraud sons nikhil, karan, cbi jobs for faking domain ownership
The domain investor was shopping at a department store in panaji goa in the panaji market area, and she was paying the bill. Then one of the associates of the gujju fraudsters nikhil sha, parekh intentionally came near her from behind and molested her repeatedly so that they could prepare defamatory videos to justify the identity theft . The domain investor was paying the bill, so she could not look behind and when looked the person was gone.

This repeated molestation by the lovers of the google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee panaji sex queen housewife naina chandan, has made it very difficult for the domain investor to go shopping, because ntro employees parmar, parekh and nikhil sha are ruthless in molesting her in public places, through their associates, wasting indian tax payer money in the process.

Anyone who can end the molestation by gujju and goan officials, their associates, kindly contact.

CCTV footage shows that gujju sex queen cbi employee naina chanda is in shopping in panaji market, yet CBI, NTRO falsely claim that she is working online

The indian mainstream media refuses to help the domain investor, falsely claiming that she is lacking credibility when actually cbi, ntro, intelligence and security agency employees in goa are LIARS, lacking credibility and making fake claims so that google, tata sponsored frauds get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work at all

In clear proof that NTRO, CBI, goan and indian government is involved in a massive SEX, bribery racket, banking fraud since 2010, it is falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored sex service providers, cheaters,robbers and frauds, who do not spend any time and money online, are online experts, domain investors to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary

CCTV footage will legally prove that the Panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chanda who looks like actress sneha wagh is visiting panaji market almost daily between 9 and 9.30 am in a light blue car to do her daily shopping with the cbi salary gifted to her by google, tata for her sex services to the top ntro employees like nikhil sha, parekh, parmar. It was earlier proved that the R&AW employee sunaina was sleeping in the morning, she was also not doing any computer work.

yet in a massive fraud masterminded by google,tata, the liar fraud NTRO employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, her lovers nikhil sha, parekh, parmar, are falsely claiming that the Panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina, who is not doing any computer work, is working online, owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, so that the indian taxpayer pays her a monthly salary for her sex services.

It was earlier proved that the robber cbi employee in panaji, housewife riddhi caro, like ra employee sunaina, siddhi has no documents at all, to prove that she is the registrant of domains, and owns the paypal account yet cbi, goan and indian government is making fake claims in a clear example of government fraud since 2010.

CCTV footage will shows cbi employee gujju housewife naina stealing flowers in la campala colony, panaji, goa

Though she is only a school dropout, cbi, raw, ntro , goan and indian government are justifying the great powers and monthly salary which is given to the google, tata sponsored kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee employee gujju housewife naina , who looks like actress sneha wagh, falsely claiming that she is a role model citizen,

In reality the gujju housewife is a semiliterate fraud with no morals at all, who has no qualms stealing whatever she can if she gets an opportunity to do so. On 7 december 2018, at around 1.17 pm she was spotted entering the house of her neighbor and stealing flowers in a colony, panaji, goa. First the gujju housewife plucked a yellow flower on the gate, then she opened the gate and plucked various flowers like the red, white and periwinkle flowers from the house of the neighbour with leaves.

The keralite neighbours have gone to dubai, for a holiday, and the pampered gujju school dropout, used this opportunity to stealthily enter the garden and steal different flowers , while speaking on her mobile phone. The gujju housewife has a cctv camera in her house and the footage from 1.14 pm to 1.20 pm will show her leaving her house with only a cell phone, and coming back to house with stolen flowers, which she is using for decorating her house or for worship
Despite CCTVs in the area, trespassing, burglary and robbery continues in La Campala colony, panaji,goa
Uncategorized / 11 months ago

There are many cctvs installed in the vicinity of the homes in La Campala colony, panaji,goa , yet the burglars and trespassers are extremely well connected, so they continue to rob and burgle homes, without any fear of being punished.

Despite CCTVs in the area, trespassing, burglary and robbery continues in La Campala colony, panaji,goa

There are many cctvs installed in the vicinity of the homes in La Campala colony, panaji,goa , yet the burglars and trespassers are extremely well connected, so they continue to rob and burgle homes, without any fear of being punished.

One of the biggest ironies of living in goa, is how harmless hardworking engineers with a good JEE rank are falsely labelled a security threat without any evidence at all, to deny them their fundamental rights and are put under surveillance, while burglars and trespassers who enter the homes of harmless private citizens repeatedly are allowed to roam around freely without being questioned or punished by the local security and intelligence agencies

Despite changing the lock of her home repeatedly, some criminals with the help of the security and intelligence agencies are burgling, trespassing robbing the house of the domain investor, engineer, in la campala colony, panaji, goa repeatedly. These criminals have openly burgled the home of the engineer at least twice in 2018, robbed in 2017 and earlier and are repeatedly criminally trespassing on the home, despite changing the lock of the home, using a godrej lock

It appears that an expert lock tamperer is allowed to run amok in panaji, goa by the local intelligence and security agencies, entering whichever house he wishes to at night, because he makes duplicate keys or is tampering with the lock. For example in the November 2018 tampering incident, the godrej lock showed no sign of being tampered yet someone had entered the house, when the domain investor was away from the house.

When the domain investor, engineer, spoke to people in the locality, they also said that burglary of homes in the area La campala colony, lake view colony in panaji, goa is widespread and complaining to the police does not help, the police are unable to retrieve anything which has been stolen. So the domain investor would like to ask the security and intelligence agencies in goa, why they are not taking any action against the burglar, rober and trespasser who is guilty of many crimes under the indian penal code, why are they harassing, monitoring harmless engineers, domain investors with a good JEE, while burglars are allowed to roam free.

CCTV camera footage will prove that google tata sponsored school dopout cbi employee gujju housewife naina is involved in burglary, robbery

Realizing that their mental torture methods for harassing the domain investor are not working, not google, tata and their associates are openly indulging in crimes under the various sections oif the indian penal code, to harass the engineer and force her to either sell the house or agree to identity theft

In a clear indication of the increasing crime rate in panaji, goa, the robbers are picking the lock of the house of the google competitor repeatedly to leave the front door open. On october 1, 2018, the house of the google competitor, domain investor was burgled, and on October 8, 2018, the front door lock was again tampered and left open by burglars, lock pickers.

After the burglary, the domain investor had changed the lock from a Chinese lock to the ansar lock costing Rs 140 which was not press fit type.
However this lock was also picked and left open, indicating that the burglars are ruthless in harassing the domain investor

It appears that someone is very desperate to force the domain investor to sell the house, so they are picking the lock, and committing burglaries repeatedly.
The plumbing system was also damaged, and the water supply is also adversely affected, only drops of water coming.

The gujju identity theft gang hiding behind the kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, is the main suspect for the crime, because their cctv camera can spot the person entering the house